March 11 Gempera Will Join KUI Unram Job Fair at Unram Dome Building
On March 11, 2023 Gempera will participate in the KUI Unram job fair event which will be held at the Dome Building of Mataram University. Gempera will fill the booth and promote Gempera programs. Gempera’s need is to print banners that will be displayed at the booth.
February 21, Gempera Team will meet with Birgitta, Lecturer from Norway
Gempera staff will have a meeting with one of the foreign researchers, Birgitta. This meeting is sharing and informal. The meeting will be held at the Gempera Office, at 12.30-14.00 WITA. It is hoped that all Gempera staff can attend the event.
Strategi Survival Pekerja Migran di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 di Suralaga, Lombok Timur
Saipul Hamdi, Syarifuddin, Oryza Pneumatica Indrasari, & Mutia Maesarah Lihat Jurnal Abstrak Profesi pekerja imigran merupakan profesi yang sangat menjanjikan dan menjadi sumberfinansial utama bagi pekerja dan keluarga yang ditinggal. Uang yang mereka dapatkanbiasanya digunakan untuk berbagai kebutuhan termasuk membangun rumah, membiayaipendidikan anak-anak dan juga sebagai modal usaha. Namun dengan munculnya pandemiCovid-19 ini kelompok pekerja migran kesulitan untuk mempertahankan usaha-usahamereka. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tantangan-tantangan ekonomi yangdihadapi oleh pekerja migran selama masa pandemi, dan strategi-strategi yang digunakanoleh kelompok pekerja migran untuk survive di tengah ancaman krisis ekonomi Covid19. Penelitian ini dilakukan selama 6 bulan dengan menggunakan penelitian kualitatifdengan dan analisanya menggunakan fenomenologi. Teknik pengumpulan data melaluiobservasi- partisipasi, wawancara FGD,…
Visitation and Exploration of Cooperation between Gempera Team and Teachers of SMK Al Istiqomah Suralaga
After a long absence, Gempera Director Dr. Saipul Hamdi met one of the teachers of SMK Al-Istiqomah at the haul of Mr. TGH. Mustamiuddin Ibrahim held at the Kekalik mosque, Mataram on February 5, 2023. This meeting then became the beginning of a verbal invitation from SMK Al Istiqomah to come to review, explore cooperation and discuss many things. Gempera team then visited Ponpes Al Istiqomah which was received by H. Junaidi, S.E, who is also the teacher and founder of the vocational school. The meeting with H. Junaidi was more informal as he was both family and a friend from college in Yogyakarta. He shared many of the internal…
Visiting and Survey by the Gempera Team with Telong-Elong Lobster Farmers, Who Are Capable of Earning IDR 200–500 Million Annually
Before heading to Maringkik island, the Gempera team conducted a visitation and survey to lobster farmers in the Telong-Elong beach area, Jerowaru sub-district, East Lombok. Telong-Elong is one of the lobster farming village areas that was organized and became a pilot project of the central and regional governments. The central government through the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries has disbursed Rp 13.8 billion in 2022 to help lobster farming farmers. This effort is starting to show results, where many lobster cultivation farmers are growing, even one of the lobster farmers, H. Jumadil, shared that his income is quite large, reaching 200 million per year. Jumadil started working on lobster…
Gempera Management Audience in Maringkik Island Village Discussing Clean Water Access
Maringkik Island Village is one of the villages located in East Lombok Regency, precisely in Keruak District next to Paremas Village and Tanjung Luar Village. Maringkek Island Village will become a partner and at the same time a pilot project of Gempera Foundation (Community Movement for Change and Peace) in accordance with Gempera’s vision and mission which will move with the community directly towards a better direction. According to Agus, the village secretary of Maringkik Island, since a long time ago when they were still one village until they separated from the parent village, Tanjung Luar Village, Maringkik Village has experienced severe clean water problems until now. The geographical location…
Strategi Pemerintah Desa dalam Pengembangan Ekonomi Pekerja Migran Indonesia (PMI) Pada Masa Pandemi COVID-19 di Suralaga Lombok Timur
Oryza Pneumatica Inderasari, Saipul Hamdi, Syarifuddin, Ikmal Maulana Abstrak Pemerintah pusat dan daerah telah mengeluarkan kebijakan untuk menanggulangi krisis yang ditimbulkan akibat Covid-19 berupa pemberian perlindungan sosial untuk masyarakat terdiri dari bantuan langsung tunai (BLT) dan bantuan langsung non tunai yang ditujukan untuk membantu masyarakat termasuk Pekerja Migran Indonesia (PMI) dalam menutupi kebutuhannya. Kebijakan yang ada belum mampu memberikan solusi terhadap permasalahan yang dihadapi PMI di Suralaga. Kebijakan tersebut membutuhkan strategi khusus di lapangan yang melibatkan pemerintah desa sebagai ujung tombak pelaksana kebijakan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi strategi pemerintah desa dalam menangani dampak sosial-ekonomi PMI pada masa pandemi Covid-19 di Kecamatan Suralaga, Lombok Timur. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa…
Kebijakan Pemerintah dalam Penanggulangan Dampak Covid-19 Di Suralaga, Lombok Timur (Studi Pada Pemulihan Ekonomi Pekerja Migran)
Saipul Hamdi, Oryza Pneumatica Indrasari, Syarifuddin dan Moh Adiyat Hidayatullah AbstrakArtikel ini bertujuan untuk memahami kebijakan pemerintah dalam menanggulangi dampak Pandemic Covid-19 terhadap ekonomi pekerja migran dan upaya pemulihannya. Untuk menanggulangi dampak pandemi Covid-19 ini agar tidak menimbulkan krisis yang berkepanjangan dan meminimalisir dampak-dampak di sektor lainnya, maka pemerintah membutuhkan suatu kebijakan pengamanan sosial untuk kestabilan ekonomi masyarakat, terutama bagi buruh migran. Untuk memahami lebih detail tentang kebijakan pemerintah dan implementasinya, maka penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi model implementasinya dalam pemulihan ekonomi masyarakat khusunya kelompok pekerja migran Indonesia (PMI). Penelitian ini dilakukan selama 6 bulan (October-Maret 2022) dengan menggunakan metodekualitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik observasi partisipan, wawancara mendalam, FGD,…
Gempera Researcher Collaborates with ICS Unram and BRIN to Research on Jamaah Tabligh and Identity Politics
The director of Gempera, who is also a leader in Unram’s Islamic Culture and Society (ICS) research institute, received a research grant from BRIN for three years, 2022-2024. This research is a field research with a qualitative phenomenological approach. This research focuses on the issue of shifting identity politics among Jamaah Tabligh, especially in the DKI Jakarta elections and the 2019 presidential election. Data were collected in 5 provinces, namely NTB, DKI Jakarta, Central Java, East Kalimantan and North Sulawesi. Besides involving researchers from Gempera, this research also involved lecturers and students who participated in this research. There were 8 students involved in this research. They focused more on Lombok,…
Gempera Research Team Participates in Migrant Labor Research funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture in Suralaga District 2021-2022
Gempera Director Dr. Saipul Hamdi, who is also a lecturer in Sociology at Unram, obtained a one-year research grant from the Ministry of Education and Culture on “Study of Government Policies and Alternative Strategies for the Economic Development of Migrant Workers through Mapping the Potential of Social Entrepreneurship in facing the Impact of Covid-19 in Suralaga, East Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara”. This research was conducted in 2021-2022 in several villages in Suralaga District including Suralaga Village, Paok Lombok Village and Borok Tumbuh Village. The reason for choosing three villages in this sub-district is because the number of deported migrant workers is very large so that the impact of Covid-19 is…