Socialisation of mediation knowledge and skills by ICS Unram and Gempera Indonesia Foundation

    Friday, September 8, 2023. Islamic Culture And Society in collaboration with Gempera Indonesia Foundation held a mediation training event with the theme Socialization of Mediation Knowledge and Skills for Sociology Students of Mataram University at the ICS Study Center Building. The event started at 08.00 until 11.30 WITA. Director of the Islamic Culture and Society study center Dr. Saipul Hamdi together with Gempera Indonesia Foundation researcher, Firdaus Abdul Malik S.Sos delivered materials and demonstrated mediation practices in front of dozens of sociology study program students. One of the participants, Thantori Juliandri, said that “events like this are eagerly awaited and need to be done to provide knowledge about mediation itself”.…


    Gempera Participation in Scholarship Promotion and Job Fair at Dome Building, University of Mataram

    Gempera Foundation attended and participated in a scholarship promotion invitation organized by Ozalum NTB at the Dome Building of Mataram University. Ozalum NTB itself is an association of scholarship recipients who study in Australia at the Bachelor, Master and Doctoral levels. In the event, academics and students from various universities were also present in order to enliven the activity. Gempera representatives together with well-known NGOs in NTB attended the event as a form of participation by setting up a promotional banner stand related to the NGO profile and the programs implemented. In addition, the scholarship promotion organized by Ozalum NTB invited representatives from the academic community of Mataram University, alumni…


    Director of Gempera Meets with Prof. Ken Miichi to Discuss Social and Political Issues in Lombok

    Gempera received a visit from Prof. Ken Miichi and his wife from Waseda University on Monday, March 6, 2023. Dr. Saipul Hamdi warmly welcomed Ken Miichi at the ICS office at the University of Mataram. In addition to Dr. Saipul Hamdi there were several Gempera staff present, namely Nurul Haromain and Firdaus. The meeting discussed many social and political issues developing in Lombok. Ken Miichi is a researcher on the politics and culture of Sasak society. He shared about his research activities related to political government policies on the phenomenon of child marriage. This comparative political science lecturer is also completing his writing on the PKS party in Lombok. Ken…


    Visiting Green Yeard School

    Gempera Director visited Green Yeard Kindergarten school on February 26, 2023. On this day, the Director of Gempera also witnessed firsthand the existence of various competitions at this school such as coloring competitions, fashion shows, and agility tests. Students from various schools were present on that day to participate in the competition. This activity was carried out in addition to honing the skills of children, but also for the socialization of Green Yeard school. According to one of the teachers, this school was founded by former NTB Governor L. Sri Nata. This school is different from other schools in that it uses the concept of the outdoors for teaching and…


    Gempera is Ready to Collaborate in Establishing a Master’s Program in Religion and Culture Studies with Nahdlatul Ulama University (UNU) NTB Province

    Gempera once again established relationship and cooperation with Nahdlatul Ulama University (UNU) Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB) Province. Gempera management visited the UNU campus on St. Pendidikan, Mataram, NTB. The Gempera management who attended was Gempera director, Dr. Saipul Hamdi accompanied by administrative manager Nurul Haromain and administrative assistant Firdaus AM. At that time Gempera management was welcomed by Ahmad Fauzan, the vice rector of UNU NTB. Gempera staffs were invited to share experiences and also collaborate in establishing a master’s study program in Religion and Culture Studies under the UNU Postgraduate Program. Dr. Saipul Hamdi welcomed the idea and helped prepare the concept of forms that would be submitted to…


    Gempera Receives Visit from Prof. Birgitte Wegerland and Opens Opportunities for Cooperation

    Gempera management received a visit from Prof. Birgitte Wegerland, a lecturer from Agdar University, Norway on Tuesday at 12.30 PM. In this meeting, Birgitte was immediately met and entertained by the Director of Gempera and several staff members. After introducing the vision and focus of Gempera organization which is not only in the field of community development but also in the field of peacebuilding, Birgitte immediately asked about the communities assisted by Gempera so far. Birgitte suggested making schools as working partners because schools are a source of knowledge. Birgitte did not forget to express her gratitude for being invited to Gempera and prepared lunch. Birgitte also explained her position…


    Gempera Holds Sudden Meeting to Formulate MoU with NTB Regional Government

    On February 19, 2023, an online Gempera board meeting was held through the Zoom Meeting platform. During the meeting, a discussion was held regarding the cooperation that will be carried out with the government, especially those in West Nusa Tenggara Province. The meeting resulted in several cooperation plans with the government, including:


    Gempera’s Management Meeting

    Gempera held another online program meeting on February 17, 2023 at 20.30 PM, considering that not all Gempera administrators live in Lombok, as well as in other areas such as Jakarta, East Kalimantan, and various regions in Lombok. In this meeting, several discussions were held, especially regarding the mapping of members’ Jobdesk in accordance with their respective scientific backgrounds, mapping of problems or social issues that develop in the community, planning short, medium, and long-term work programs that are possible to be carried out in the future based on research or programs, and several other important matters. In formulating its program, in addition to making programs in accordance with their…


    Visitation and Exploration of Cooperation between Gempera Team and Teachers of SMK Al Istiqomah Suralaga

    After a long absence, Gempera Director Dr. Saipul Hamdi met one of the teachers of SMK Al-Istiqomah at the haul of Mr. TGH. Mustamiuddin Ibrahim held at the Kekalik mosque, Mataram on February 5, 2023. This meeting then became the beginning of a verbal invitation from SMK Al Istiqomah to come to review, explore cooperation and discuss many things. Gempera team then visited Ponpes Al Istiqomah which was received by H. Junaidi, S.E, who is also the teacher and founder of the vocational school. The meeting with H. Junaidi was more informal as he was both family and a friend from college in Yogyakarta. He shared many of the internal…


    Visiting and Survey by the Gempera Team with Telong-Elong Lobster Farmers, Who Are Capable of Earning IDR 200–500 Million Annually

    Before heading to Maringkik island, the Gempera team conducted a visitation and survey to lobster farmers in the Telong-Elong beach area, Jerowaru sub-district, East Lombok. Telong-Elong is one of the lobster farming village areas that was organized and became a pilot project of the central and regional governments. The central government through the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries has disbursed Rp 13.8 billion in 2022 to help lobster farming farmers. This effort is starting to show results, where many lobster cultivation farmers are growing, even one of the lobster farmers, H. Jumadil, shared that his income is quite large, reaching 200 million per year. Jumadil started working on lobster…