Field Advisor

Jumhur Hakim lahir di Desa Sukarara Sakra Barat Lotim. Jumhur sekarang menjadi dosen di prodi Pariwisata, Fakultas Ekonomi Unviersitas Mataram. Risetnya fokus pada pariwisata dan budaya lokal. Alamat emailnya dan phone +6287864649112.


1996-2001             Pancasila and civic education, Education and teacher Faculty, Mataram University Lombok, Indonesia

2002-2005             M..Par in Tourism Studied, Study Program, Postgraduate School, Udayana University, Bali, Indonesia

2008-2010      M.Pd in Law and civic study program Postgraduate School UNM University, Makassar Indonesia.


  • Rsearch Assistant Mr Wallace : Lombok Community Thought (2003-2004) Global Development Institute
  • The relationship between education and wages in improving the performance of hotel employees in the Senggigi Tourism area west Lombok (2005)
  • Implementation UU No. 5 Tahun 1974 in Sukarara Village  Sakra East Lombok
  • Preparration of texbooks for tourism vocational schools in North, west Lombok and city of mataram (2011) Kemenristek Dikti
  • Preparation of textbook for tourism vocational schools in centeral and east Lombok (2012) Kemenristek Dikti
  • Tourism village development research in Bayan, North Lombok (2016). Regional government , IDR. 60.000.000 “”
  • Dinamika pengelolaan sarhunta oleh masyarakat di KEK mandalika kabupaten Lombok tengah (2023) LPPM Unram  IDR. 10.500.000,

Research Interests

  • Tourism : Tourism Village

Community Service

  • Pelatihan penerapan nilai hospitality di desa wisata batu putih Lombok Barat (2022) Kemiteraan  LPPM Unram IDR 5000.000
  • Pengembangan desa wisata di dusun Jango desa Jango kecamatan janaperia Lombok tengah (2023) Kemiteraan LPPM Unram IDR 5300.000

Books Chapters

  • Jumhur Hakim (2022) Pariwisata sebuah pengantar,  (2022), : CV Eureka

Journal articles

  • Jumhur Hakim , (2022), Shoud English Instruction Survive In New Term Tourism Classes ? Bilingual Perpective (https// php/birci/article/view/4923)
  • Jumhur Hakim, (2022). Ecotourism of Bonjeruk Tourism of Village. International Journal of Tourism Business Research (INTOUR) FEB