
Dr. Erni Budiwanti lahir di Singaraja-Bali, 28 October 1960. Erni memperoleh gelar guru besar di area riset kewilayahan BRIN. Fokus risetnya tentang Islam, budaya lokal, gerakan sektarian, hubungan mayoritas-minoritas.


  • Sarjana (S1) jurusan Sosiology, Facultas Ilmu Sosial dan Politik (FISIP), Universitas Airlangga,     Surabaya, selesai 1984.
  • M A bidang Anthropologi, Department Anthropology and Sociology, Monash University, Australia, selesai 1989.
  • Ph.D bidang Anthropologi, Department of Anthropology and Sociology, Monash University, Australia, selesaim1997.

Visiting Fellowships & Research Grants

  1. Januari-Maret 2002: Visiting Research Fellow di Department of Cultural Anthropology, University of Tokyo, Komaba Campus, Japan
  2. Maret-Juni 2009: Visiting Research Fellow di Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore (ARI-NUS)
  3. Agustus 2009-July 2010 : The Nippon Foundation’s Association of Public Intelectual (API) Fellowship, Batch 9.
  4. 23 Mei-2 Juni 2013: riset lapangan tentang “Religion and Natural Disaster” di Tokyo, Japan, sponsor LIPI.


  • Minority Muslims in North Bali: Identity on the Making, Journal of Religion, Culture, and State, Vol 2, No 2, 2022.
  • When Local Meets Global: Religion, Ritaul and Contestation. Malang: Literasi Nusantara. 2021
  • “Lombok: Religion in the Public Sphere”. Strategic Review. October-December 9 (4); 2019. pp 49-53.
  • Pawai Ogoh-Ogoh dan Nyepi di Pulau Seribu Masjid: Penguatan Identitas Agama di Ruang Publik”. Jurnal Harmoni. 17 (2) ; 2018.
  • “Balinese Minority and Sasak Majority: Managing Ethno-Religious Diversity and Disputes in Western Lombok”. Journal of Religious Literature and Heritage, vol 3, No 2, 2014,
  • The Role of Wali, Ancient Mosques, and Sacred Tombs in the Dynamics of Islamisation”. Journal of Religious Literature and Heritage, vol 3, No 1, 2014,
  • “The Purification Movement in Bayan, North Lombok: Orthodox Islam vis-à-vis Religious Syncretism” in Brigitta S. Schaublin & David D. Harnish. 2014. Between Harmony and Discrimination: Negotiating Religious Identities within Majority-Minority Relationships   in Bali and Lombok. Leiden- Neitherlands: Brill
  • Interaksi antara Islam dan Budaya Sasak (Interaction between Islam and Sasak Culture)”. Paper presented in the Sasarehan Budaya Memperingati Harlah Desa Songak, Masjid Kuno Songak, 27 Desember 2013.
  • Hindu Minority in Muslim Majority: Managing Ethno-Religious Differences in West Lombok”. Paper presented in the 6th Al-Jami’ah Forum on Minority and Plurality, State Islamic University (UIN) Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta, 6-8 December 2013.
  • Peran Wali, Masjid Kuno, dan Makam Keramat dalam Dinamika Penyebaran Islam di Lombok (The Role of Wali, Old Mosque, Sacred Tombs in the Dynamics of Islamisation in Lombok) ”. Paper presented in the 13th Annual International Conference on Ilamic Studies (AICIS), Senggigi-Lombok, 18-21 November 2013, and was recognized as one of the best papers.
  • Etnografi dan Penelitian Terlibat (Ethnography and Participant Observation)” . Paper presented in the Workshop Penelitian Dasar, State Islamic University (IAIN) Mataram, Hotel Jayakarta, 17 November 2013.
  • 2013. “Food Fight: Negotiating ethno-religious differences in West Lombok.” Strategic Review.Vol 3, No 1.
  • 2013. “Spiritual Dynamics of Balinese in Lombok:  Sacred Site and Holy Water”.Buku Persembahan untuk Prof Putra Agung. Universitas Udayana: Fakultas Sastra, pp 47-74.
  • 2012. “Re-Islamizing Lombok: Contesting the Bayanese Adat”. Jurnal Masyarakat Indonesia.Vol XXXVII, No 2.
  • 2011. “Malaysian Indian Muslims’ Oscillating Identity: Swinging between Home and Host Countries”.  Proceeding Report on the Work of the 2009/2010 API (Association of Public Intelectual) 9th Batch  Fellows. Kyoto: The Japan Foundation.
  • 2011. “Jama’ah Ahmadiyah and The Ulama Edicts”. Strategic Review.Vol 1, No 2.
  • 2009. “Pluralism Collapses: A Study on the Jama’ahAhmadiyah Indonesia and Its Persecution”. Working Paper Series.No. 117. National University Singapore: Asia Research Institute.
  • 2007 “Jemaat Ahmadiyah dan Resistensi Sosial di Lombok (The Ahmadiyah Movement and Social Resistence in Lombok)” In Jurnal Harmoni .Vol VI, NO 23, Juli-September.
  • 2007 “Portrait of Inter-Ethnic Relations in Sambas, Western Kalimantan, Indonesia”.In Carmencita. T. Aguilar (ed.). Ethnicity: Socio-Cultural and Economic Challenges. Philippine: IFSSO-International Federation of Social Sciences Organization.
  • 2005. “Islam Dalam Konteks Budaya Lokal: Studi Kasus Di Bayan, Lombok Barat (Islam in Local Cultural Context: A Study Case in Bayan, Western Lombok)”. Jurnal Masyarakat Indonesia. Jilid XXXI, No 2.
  • The Impact of Islam on the Religion of the Sasak in Bayan, West Lombok”. Kultur. Vol 1, Number 1, 2001, PP. 29-40
  • Islam Sasak: Wetu Telu versus Waktu Lima. 2000. Yogyakarta: LKiS.
  • The Crescent Behind the Thousand Holy Temples: An Ethnographic Study of the Minority Muslims of Pegayaman, North Bali. Yogyakarta: Gadjahmada University Press, 1995.
  • “Religious Education and Muslims Identity in Pegayaman, Bali”. Jurnal Masyarakat Indonesia, XIX,  No 1, 1 Juni 1992.